So much to post, so little time. To tell you the truth, I'm just too tired to post any pictures. :) I just want to give a quick update. We are on schedule to move tomorrow. Click
here to see where we are going. We have our UHaul in the driveway, and my family is all helping tomorrow. Please pray for me. My excitement has already I'm missing my mom. I know I just need some adjustment time, but I feel like I'm leaving home all over again. However, knowing I'm going to have my own home to keep again carries me through the sadness. ;) Having a house makes me so happy I want to giggle like a little giddy girl.
The Lord has worked everything out. The church we mostly attended on Wednesdays in Virginia voted to give us $250 to help us move. It was
very kind of them! We grew to love the pastor and people there. Also, another church nearby is giving us $200/month for six months! What a blessing! The Lord has really confirmed in many ways that we are going the direction He wants us to go.
Also, the baby shower in Virginia went very well. I got my nice travel system, and tons of precious little outfits, other needed things, and an unbelievable amount of cash and gift cards! The Lord is good! And to think I was afraid my little boy wouldn't be spoiled enough. :)
The people of First Baptist will be there to welcome us this weekend. They are doing a lot to help us get settled.
Alicia and some of the ladies cleaned the house for me nice. I'm not sure if they would do that if I wasn't a little huge right now. ;) And, the men are coming to help unload the truck. They are also bringing us some food to keep us until we have time for grocery shopping. They have been extremely thoughtful! I think we are going to have a wonderful church family!
Jamin and I really covet your prayers during this time. Going into a new ministry is a wonderful and exciting thing. But it is sobering at the same time. We want so much to please the Lord, and nothing else. It's so easy to get caught up in daily life and responsibilities and forget that our lives are for Him. We are not our own; we are bought with a price. He saved us to bring glory to Himself. We don't want to be a hindrance to the ministry in any way. He is so good to us!
Well, off we go. Please hang in there. It may be a while before I post again, but I shall return!