Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dear Jamin...

You are the most wonderful husband any lady could ask for. I am so thankful to be married to you. You are so kind and understanding. You lead our family as God leads you. Your walk with the Lord inspires me and motivates me. I don't have to worry about so many things because you just take care of them. You make it easy to be a wife. I love you so much, and I just wanted to say, "Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!"


Anonymous said...

Joy, I am trying to figure this out, You look cute, not tired. Martha

Anonymous said...

Joy, I don't mean I'm trying to figure out why you look cute and not tired, I am trying to figure out how to leave a comment. My comment is that you look cute not tired like you said. Now I am looking stupid because I have the wrong may people will be able to see this? ML

Joy said...

Mrs. Martha, that's ok. I've left a comment on the wrong "story" before. You'll get the hang of it. :)

Suzanne said...

Hi Joy,

I'm so glad that things are going well for you, the baby, and Jamin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jamin!!! The two of you are such a great couple, and I'm so happy that I can call you my friends!

Keeping you both and the baby in my prayers. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Brov! I'm very thankful that you're not only my brother, but my friend! Love you both!


Alicia Reagan said...

Happy birthday Jamin!! Jimmy and I wish you all the best!

The Pepin Family said...

Oh, we're a little late, but happy birthday to Jamin!
