Friday, March 2, 2007


Yesterday afternoon, it started snowing quite a bit. The worst part of it was the wind. It gusted up to 50 mph. We had a crazy, adventurous observation late last night. We were ready to turn the lights off around 11:15. Jamin heard tires spinning. We wondered if someone was stuck on the road, so we turned off the light and looked outside. There was a minivan stuck a little ways up the road, and two trucks had already stopped to help. Jamin wondered if he should go out, but there were at least three men helping out this minivan (we say it was a woman). But it took a long time. One of the trucks had a snowplow and was plowing all around that van. It took them about 45 minutes to get the van on its way. In the meantime, another vehicle had pulled up close to the minivan, and it got stuck. So after the van pulled away, the snowplow worked around that vehicle. It was crazy. We were watching through the window the whole time with the lights off. It was nuts. I took a picture of it (with no flash so they wouldn't see us).

We had huge drifts this morning when we woke up. Jamin and I got out to take some pictures (he got knocked out of work - so sad). The snow was packed so tight in some places we could walk on top of about 4 feet! So pretty! Here are some pictures:

Thursday during the storm

Our sidewalk

Northern Michigan snow-scraping crew


Anonymous said...

That's so cool. You guys are just a couple of kids playing in the snow, aren't you. Admit it. :)

Joy said...

Definitely kids playing in the snow!

We showed one of our teens the pictures and she said, "That's so cool! When I have kids I'm going to play in the snow with them."

We said, "Who needs kids!"