Thursday, June 28, 2007

We heard the heartbeat!

Today, I had my first appointment with the midwives I have chosen to see. I really enjoyed them. I am planning to go to the Lisa Ross Birth and Women's Center for all my prenatal care and delivery. Of course, if the Lord places us in a church somewhere too far from Knoxville, I will have to choose something else. But for now I am loving it. Anyway, we went over a mountain of paperwork, weighing :(, and blood draining, I mean drawing. Then we heard the little heartbeat. It was such a precious moment! It took her a while to find it. We heard it for a second then it was gone. Then she had to look and look to find it again. Then we heard it for a minute really steady and clear. I think we have a squirmy baby on our hands. :)


Stephanie Fowler said...

Congratulations! It is a special moment! Gives your heart a sigh of relief too.

Praying that all will continue to go well.

The Pepin Family said...

Aw, that's so sweet...all these new memories you're making!!! Congratuations again.


Alicia Reagan said...

Oh I am so excited for you that you got to hear the heartbeat. Your heart will race now every time they put that doppler on your tummy waiting to hear that heartbeat! What a milestone to hear the heartbeat! Congratulations!

Suzanne said...

Congratulations Joy! I'm so happy for you! Hannah was squirmy too and very shy whenever I went to the Doc's office. I think she knew it as soon as I crossed the threshold so she went into hiding!! :-) hehe.

Praying for you.

wilkersonhome said...

Congratulations on your baby coming! I'm enjoying keeping up with your blog--you have great pictures and an interesting life. :)
Jeri Lynn