Thursday, February 25, 2010

Project "Love Our Home" Post #2

Mom and Dad have been with us since Sunday afternoon. Boy, have we put them to work!! The week started out slow with some sad delays and unexpected twists. But we have had a few pretty smooth days and that has done great things for our morale!

Mom tearing off old sunflower border:

Jackson "cleaning up" the sunflower border... he would pick up a piece and lay it in front of the broom to sweep up. So cute! :

The bathroom, on its way to being gutted:

New bathroom floor:
Floor in, toilet in, tub going in:

Mom patching:
Unbelievable holes!!!
Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better! (Psst! Don't give Dad a ball peen hammer!)
Now to fill MORE holes!
Finally!! priming!:

So far we have completed:
  • heat and air: finished! (that was contracted out and finished today)
  • priming walls in ONE room
  • kilz-ing the ceiling in one room
  • getting some drywall, floor, tub and toilet back into the bathroom
  • a LOT of patching
What we still have to do:
  • no one would read my blog for that long ;)

1 comment:

Alicia Reagan said...

Uhmmm....this just made me remember that I failed you in taking pictures! I got distracted with the outlet covers. Sorry....:(
What exciting times!!