So, this is what happens when you live in two different houses. You work hard all week, living out of a suitcase, keeping shoes off the "bed" in the room where you sleep, trying to keep everything clean in a house of sawdust and sanded drywall.
When the work-week is done, you rush home, looking forward to "resting." But, there's so much laundry, the clothes get so dirty when you work, and when the children are playing in everything they find.
Then your husband cleans out the fridge for you (thankfully), because it has been neglected also. But then you have a counter piled with dirty dishes.
The laundry which managed to get washed is still lying around waiting to be folded while we rush off to a church literature blitz. The children are happy when we get back home! They are so glad to just be "home" and playing, but the results of all-the-above are devastating...
I'm ready to be moved and live in just one house, please!
Awww you need mommy don't you? I wish I could come...
you mean my house shouldn't normally look like that?
totally kidding!
sounds like the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to get brighter though!!!
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