Ever since Jackson was about three days old, he was a good sleeper. Even from such a tiny thing he would only wake up once, maybe twice each night. Then, when he was four months old, he got sick one night. He had a fever, and a tummy ache. I had to hold him all night. If I laid him down he would scream. He was fine the next day but since then he has wanted to nurse every few hours. Some nights I would feel like I got zero rest because he needed to fill his tummy about five times before morning. Oh the exaustion of it all! I know, you BabyWise parents out there are thinking there is a simple solution to all this.
When he was tiny, he had a lot of tummy aches. There is no way I would lay my infant son down to cry himself to sleep. And the layout of our house forced us to keep him in our room, too. And recently I had to take the bumper pads off his crib because he was getting the strings wrapped around his arms and legs. So after that, he could just look up and see me in the middle of the night. Of course he would want me, and cry uncontrollably if I didn't get him right away.
This past Saturday, we moved his crib right outside our bedroom door. It's sort of a suite-style set-up and we have used that outside room for Jamin's study. But since Saturday night, he has slept all night every night! I am so excited and so rested. Two of those nights he has woken up and cried around 3, but only for a few minutes...because I'm not there for him to look at. Not only am I resting better and don't dread bedtime, but he is resting better, too! I was starting to worry about him not sleeping enough. So I must say I am thankful because...
We did it!
That is just not fair. I have tried everything with my Jackson (I have even tried crying himself to sleep) and he will still not sleep through the night. I would love to have a whole night of sleep. :) Congratulations on your accomplishments.
Did you see this? Cute header--matches your paper, I think=)
Main page/where to find it=)
of interest--
Dear Joy,
I am so happy that your little sweetie is sleeping better. My daughter would not sleep (because of ear infections beginning at age six months) either. Quite honestly, she is STILL a very light sleeper (at 9 years old) I remember those sleepless nights.:)
By the way, I have to tell you how much we have grown to LOVE your family. Your parents are such sweet people and have already been such a blessing to us! I can't tell you how much we love them already! And oh, how we love Jonathan and Becky! What a nice young couple. I believe your family is going to be a tremendous asset to our church! We pray for you and Jamin often. It's great to read about how the Lord is blessing and using you in Ohio.
Tammy Pallotta
Yeah for Jackson!! Yeah for Joy!!! Yeah for Jamin......oh, I forgot that he slept through it anyway!:) (j/k Jamin)
Really I am so glad that you are getting rest now. I felt your pain and I feel your excitement!
Love ya!
I'm so glad for you! :)
Here I am again, looking at the sweetie and wishing I had my hands on him. Hope to see ya'll soon!
Hey,email me (my profile) when you get a chance and I will send you an invitation to My Spot. I would love to have your punch recipe, or any others you might want to add!
Love you=)
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