Friday, December 18, 2009

Our Christmas Morning 2009

Today was our Christmas morning! We're going out of town Sunday night after church, and tomorrow is the Children's Christmas party at church, so we decided to do it today and have the day to enjoy our "toys."

Jackson didn't really know what was going on, but he came in our room at 7:45 and went to Jamin, and said, "get up." It was so on cue!

Jackson is a SLOOOOWWW present opener. We will work on this!

Timothy, my little reindeer, trying to open his present (or eat it!)

Getting so sleepy. We put him back down for a nap right after the gifts.

Jackson playing with his new over-$100 wooden train that we got for $20!

After he played with it for a few minutes. He doesn't understand why you can't sit on it, crawl on it, etc.

Our first annual Boyer Family Christmas Brunch! Hash brown casserole, carrot cake cream cheese muffins, ham, eggs, biscuits, pears, and pink salad.

Jamin and sweet Timothy the reindeer

My cutie-pie!

Oh, the memories! I love Christmas. And it's better each year! Jackson is big enough to have fun now, but he doesn't fully grasp it. Even as I type, he is playing with the same old trucks he always plays with, and a few train cars.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More Christmas Prep

We've been making ornaments the last couple days. We bought glitter Saturday night. Jackson was carrying the tube on our way to the checkout and somehow popped the lid off. So it spilled all over our shopping cart, and Timothy's baby blanket, and Jackson's clothes, not to mention the floor. Thankfully, it was a small tube, not the larger jar I bought of gold! Anyway, it has taken until today to finish some up because the glue has to dry, then add more glitter, then dry... all in between my regular chores and busy-ness. :)

Making Jackson's hand:

Other blue ornaments

The gold:

My baby discovering the tree today. I just had to make sure he couldn't get it in his mouth.

My little gift-wrapping helper. He was so cute, wanting the paper and the tape. So I decided to wrap him. He loved it!! For a few minutes at least!

Our wrapping jobs:
I love Christmas time! The sounds, the smells, the sights... it's the most wonderful time of the year. I have been playing Christmas music constantly, and today I popped in my Holiday Bayberry Yankee Candle tart... it smells SOOO yummy! Christmas really does have a magical feeling. On top of that, it's such a wonderful time to remember the birth of our Savior. Without Him, we wouldn't even have life, much less a wonderful life. Praise the Lord for this season, but most of all for His Son!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Deck the Halls!

... well, not exactly the halls, just everything else!

I finished my decorating today! It didn't take long.

Piano decor: The greenery is real, and smells so nice! There is ribbon and lights, and my picture is wrapped.

My fireplace: Just lots of "stuff" on it. :) The lights make it pretty no matter how jumbled all the "stuff" is.
Jackson and I have been making some ornaments. I'll post those soon. It is fun. He's really not much help, but it's fun trying and making the memories. I can't believe he is almost two years old! He loves helping Mommy do everything!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sugar Tree Farms

Sugar Tree Farms is just about a quarter mile from our house. We have gone here each year to pick our tree, chop it down and bring it home. This is our third year in a row. This is the first year Jackson has actually been big enough to be a little bit of fun!

Bundled up! It's finally getting cold around here!

The cabin where a cozy fire burns, and you can get free coffee or hot cocoa.

Timothy couldn't move with his suit on over his clothes!

Jackson helping Daddy drag the tree... after we made him touch it. ;)

Trying to get Jackson to put an ornament on:

The finished product!

I still have more decorating to do: mantle, piano, table... it will take a while. But I'm so glad the Christmas season is officially here!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful for Boys

The boys are growing and changing so fast! Timothy is 4 months old today! And I can't believe my sweet little Jackson will be 2 next month! I can't believe how time goes into warp speed the minute your life just can't get more wonderful.

  • is talking, talking and talking
  • loves to eat at "Mudonells"
  • is starting to sleep in his toddler bed
  • gives himself a hug every night before bed
  • is a daddy's boy
  • giggles his way out of trouble

  • talks and coos oh, so sweetly
  • wants to sit up constantly
  • can hold toys
  • does pretty good falling asleep on his own
  • does NOT sleep all night
  • has this precious grin that melts your heart in an instant

These are our precious boys. We try to enjoy every moment with them... for moments don't last long. This Thanksgiving... I am thankful for my boys.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I am a big hobby person. I have all my little crafty things I love to do. When I'm pregnant, I like to make maternity clothes. I'm not a great seamstress, but when you're pregnant, the dress doesn't have to "fit" like normal clothes do. :) It just has to make room for the belly. I love to scrapbook. I get on scrapbook kicks and want to scrapbook night and day. I have several books that are finished and several more "works in progress."

What am I into right now? Well, I love, love, love to make quilts!! Both of my grandmothers have been into this, so I have "inherited" the love for it, I guess. My Granny Heidel is so glad it's being passed down. :) I have fabric everywhere! My cedar chest is packed, I can barely close the lid. And I have several boxes in my back closet, and a few bags stashed here and there. It's ridiculous really, but I haven't paid a cent for any of it.

Jamin brought home a Quilting magazine to me last night, so I'm all into it again. I have done several baby quilts lately, but needed to finish one up. I'm also working on some for Christmas presents. I also have a new nephew due to arrive this week, so I'm trying to get his little quilt done.

As I finally perused my magazine, I checked into all the websites that are listed there. I saw so many patterns and colors I love!! But I can't start anything new, not now with all the projects remaining to be finished! So I'm going to work hard this winter to finish up everything I have started. I think I have one queen-size top and two lap-sized tops to be quilted (or tied), and then a few full size tops I'm working on (for Christmas). I finished a baby quilt today, and started a baby quilt. It's so fun!!

I love to make quilts for gifts. Since I already have tons of fabric, it usually only costs me what the batting (cotton) costs, and sometimes I need backing. They're so special and meaningful. I have a quilt that was given to me by my Granny Heidel. Her mother helped her make it years and years ago. It is so special and cherished. I want to give gifts like that...that have memories to go along.

My heirloom quilt:

It's more challenging now with two little ones making messes and crying and needing diaper changes. So I have to work hard when I can!

Timothy's baby quilt: I did it all by hand, except for zig-zagging on the binding. I only finished it a few weeks before he was born.

The quilt I finished today for little cousin Avery Grace:

Starting on my new nephew's quilt: I now have a helper! Yeah right! Thank goodness he only wanted to sit still for about two minutes. It was cute anyway! :)

The love of quilting is in my blood, and I'm obsessed. Who doesn't love to curl up with a quilt?