Saturday, July 2, 2011


Since my blog has been neglected... here is May and June in a nutshell!

At Mom's church's ladies' meeting... Mom, Kristan and I were asked to sing. It was so much fun! The three of us with Tammy Pallotta, the pastor's wife:

With Becky, our other sister :)

The home school group took a trip to Connor Prairie in May. It was over the boys' heads, but a great, educational place to go.

Fun in the sun... at home:

In May, I learned how to make headbands! They are so easy and cute!

"Time of Refreshment Ladies' Conference" Our silly skit:

Alicia and I

Mom and I

Miss Margaret Stringer, our special speaker. She was a single missionary in Indonesia to cannibal tribes for 40 years! A very special lady. :)

Our back yard getting spruced up:

Our Summerfest booth. My friend Amy and I worked so hard! We hardly sold anything, but our stuff looked pretty!

In the Summerfest parade, showing off our Old Fashioned Sunday duds:

Fun with cousins at Grammy and Pawpaw's:

VA VBS: Jamin did a great job leading the whole thing. :)

And that brings us up-to-date! Here comes the statement:

From now on, I'll blog more often! :D

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Loved reading your updates. Your craft booth looked so cute! A friend and I did something similar a year or so ago. We worked so hard and didn't sell much. I still have a couple of tote boxes of that stuff in the back room. Not sure what I'll ever do with it all. Are those baby quilts left over? I might need to get with you on one of those. :)