Monday, July 18, 2011

Cloth Diapering Adventures

So, we're trying cloth diapering around here. :) I have done a lot of research on the internet, and talked to other moms who cloth diaper. The primary reason is money. Diapers are SO expensive, but they are definitely necessary!
There are SO many options out there. Some of the big names are BumGenius and FuzziBunz. Honestly, I would love to use these diapers! They are SO adorable! But if the main reason to cloth diaper is because of cost, these are too expensive. I mean, you may spend around $500 (probably more) to diaper your baby until potty-training, but I needed a cheaper way.
Then I discovered the Econobum system. They boast "Diaper your baby for $100." So, hey, I can do that! I ordered a sample for $10 on It was one prefold diaper, and one one-size cover. I really liked it!! As I researched more, I discovered the Snappi. This way, you can use old-fashioned prefold cloth diapers, (which are super cheap) but without the pins.
So... I've been using all these discoveries on Timothy. I'm very happy with the results. :)
Here's the plain cloth diaper fastened with the Snappi. It's very easy!
I want to mention that one time, I didn't have the front layer (the wings) under the back layer where I had the snappi fastened, and it was digging into his skin. Poor little guy!
The Econobums waterproof diaper cover... I love it! It's supposed to be from 8-35 lbs. See all the snaps? It's very adjustable. I just think it will be very bulky on a little one. And I'll wait to use them on Eva until she's a few months old. It still has a row to go on Timothy.
Cute little soft bottom!
I tried them at night once, and I probably never will again. And I'm not going to put them on Timothy when we're going out. It's just too much mess. You have to have a bag to put the wet ones in, and they're so bulky to pack. So disposables are still our friends, but just using them some has helped already. We haven't bought diapers in 3-4 weeks.
I still have a lot to learn. I'm learning how to deal with the dirty ones... it's just so much more complicated. But so far it's going good, and I just wanted to share my finds!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mini Vacation

We have had many plans this year for things we wanted to do. We had romantic getaway plans, which changed, but actually came about! We had family plans, which really got changed, then changed again.
But we decided it was definitely time to have a little un-interrupted family time. So we got on, found a GREAT hotel deal, and took off. On hotwire, you don't see the name of the hotel until you pay. But it was a four-star in downtown Cincy, so we took it. It turned out to be the Hyatt Regency. It was so nice, and we were really happy with it.
The boys on "their" bed. Yes, I think Jackson is picking his nose.
The boys had never been in a real pool before, just the ones we have bought them from year to year, that you blow up. :) They were so excited!
They were so scared at first. They just wanted to sit on the side. It took us a while to convince them it was fun! After a while, they were jumping in to us. We even let them go under a few times. The loved it!! The boys with Daddy:
Getting ready to check-out of our 21st-floor room. :)I had a quick dr. appointment, then on we went to EnterTrainment Junction. It is a neat little place. They have over 2 miles of track, and lots of displays. The boys loved it, but we did lots of holding because they weren't tall enough to see. ;)
My biggest "boy" building "Cranky the Crane":
They could shovel coal. They LOVED it!
Going on a "Thomas the Train" ride all by themselves! We were so proud of them:
All-in-all a fun adventure. We wouldn't pay to go often, but it was worth it! :) Our happy family:
We ran by Hobby Lobby so I could get some of those cute little crocheted hats and bows and flowers to clip on them. :) Then, we stopped by Steak-n-Shake before we went home!
We had a terrific time! It's wonderful to just spend time with our boys. We are so thankful for them. Sometimes life gets busy, and you have to slow down and just "be" together. Happy memories...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ready for the Hospital... Anytime now... Anytime...

It hit me very suddenly that if I went into labor, I would not be prepared. Even though the due date is three weeks away, it could happen. (I know it's too good to be true, but it's theoretically possible.) I could just imagine us rushing around in the middle of the night, looking for things we needed, looking for the suitcase. Waking up the boys, putting clothes on them, trying to think of who to call in the middle of the night. Kind of like a nightmare.
I put together a hospital list, and now we're ready. Our clothes are in the suitcase, all zipped up, ready to go. Our toiletries are in a tote bag, hanging on the bathroom door. We use things out of it, then put them back in. And I have a list of things we need to grab on the way out... like our phone, laptop, and a pillow for Jamin.
I'm still waiting for Eva's diaper bag to come site to store, so she's packed with our stuff. I can't wait to dress her.
Her coming-home outfit:
And I wanted to do something for the boys, so we'd be a cutesy family in the hospital. I bought shirts and iron-on letters at Hobby Lobby, and ta-da!
Now we're ready... anytime now, little Eva!

Independence Day

Sunday night, we ventured out to the race track, where we had been told were great fireworks! And they were great! We enjoyed them. The boys loved them. We sat with our neighbors, and our kids played together. It was a sweet time...
Monday morning was our town's annual cute little parade. It was lots of fun. The boys were really getting into the candy this year. :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Since my blog has been neglected... here is May and June in a nutshell!

At Mom's church's ladies' meeting... Mom, Kristan and I were asked to sing. It was so much fun! The three of us with Tammy Pallotta, the pastor's wife:

With Becky, our other sister :)

The home school group took a trip to Connor Prairie in May. It was over the boys' heads, but a great, educational place to go.

Fun in the sun... at home:

In May, I learned how to make headbands! They are so easy and cute!

"Time of Refreshment Ladies' Conference" Our silly skit:

Alicia and I

Mom and I

Miss Margaret Stringer, our special speaker. She was a single missionary in Indonesia to cannibal tribes for 40 years! A very special lady. :)

Our back yard getting spruced up:

Our Summerfest booth. My friend Amy and I worked so hard! We hardly sold anything, but our stuff looked pretty!

In the Summerfest parade, showing off our Old Fashioned Sunday duds:

Fun with cousins at Grammy and Pawpaw's:

VA VBS: Jamin did a great job leading the whole thing. :)

And that brings us up-to-date! Here comes the statement:

From now on, I'll blog more often! :D

Found Out!

We have a little pond in one of our front flower beds. Well, that's what Jackson calls it.

It has a fountain, which we have never plugged in, but it's a cute little thing. After we moved in last spring and the ice thawed, we discovered a golfish in it. I don't understand how they can freeze and thaw every year and survive, but "they" say they do!

Well, Harry the goldfish was nowhere to be seen this spring after the thaw. We think the neighbor's cat probably got it.

We still don't like for the boys to go over and throw in rocks, and poke in there with sticks because they are bound to get soaked.

Be sure your sin will find you out!!!!

I don't blame him for crying. It was pretty gross!

Getting Ready for Pink!

I recently did a LOT of sewing for a summer street fair in our town. I mean, I sewed for months! I enjoyed it, but it was stressful and my house and kids got sadly neglected. The festival was June 9-11. Glad it's over! :)

Then the boys and I spent most of a week with Mom. It was so nice to relax. After that, we went to Virginia, where Jamin and I helped with his dad's church's VBS. It was a lot of fun, but I must say it's a little harder to get into it at 35 weeks pregnant!

Now that it's all over... I'm home, being Mommy, being a wife. The house is clean. I cooked lunch today. The laundry is not all over the house. It's folded, in drawers. Ahh....

Now I'm getting ready for Eva. And the boys have been helping me!

Laundry time:

Blankets all washed in Dreft and ready to wrap her up in!

We had to invade the boys' closet. She takes up a lot of space with her little stylin' wardrobe:

For the first three months: 29 blankets, 4 quilts, 37 dresses, 22 pants and skirts, 3 sweaters, 52 onesies and shirts, and 41 gowns and sleepers. I think she has enough!

We are SO excited to meet her!! 36 weeks and counting.... :D