Friday was a wonderful day for me... the BIG ultrasound! Having two precious boys already, I really wanted a girl. It's not that I didn't want a boy, it was just a deep desire to have a girl, ever since I was very young.
Thursday night, I barely slept. I was already feeling so guilty about being disappointed with another boy. Like I said, of course I would have been happy with a boy. But I knew there would be a little disappointment for a few days. So I couldn't sleep. I also woke up at about 6am, instead of 7:30 with the alarm.
We dropped off the boys with our deacon and his wife (the boys' OH grandparents), and went to the appointment.
It seemed to take forever in the waiting room. They were a little behind schedule. When we finally got back to the ultrasound room, I told the technician about my fears. I just felt like I needed to confess I guess. I was visibly upset. Part-way through the ultrasound, she said, "I feel your heart! You are nervous!"
We saw the little head, and she took a few measurements. Then she went to the legs. Jamin said, "Is that the legs?" She said, "Her legs."
I said, "It's a girl?!"
"It's a girl," she said.
I just had to ask her if she was sure, and she said they're not allowed to say 100%, but she could see what she needed to see. I started crying, I was so happy!! She finished the exam and took us back to the waiting room to wait for the doctor to see us.
I called Mom really fast to let her know. I said, "It's a girl!" She said, "It is?!" She was in Lowe's with Becky, and they both started crying. I started a fresh stream of tears. Like I said, I was in the waiting room and all the other pregnant ladies were staring at me. I told Mom I would call her later because neither of us could talk anyway.
After the appointment, we called and texted other people to let them know. For those of you who don't know, this is my mother's 8th grandchild, and the 1st girl. After almost 12 years, there will be a girl in the Snow family!
I had saved up some money so we could shop, and shop we did!!
When I called Mom back, Becky wanted to talk to me. She told me about a sermon her pastor had preached a few weeks ago, about faith. She told me how that she wanted a little girl, and Kristan had wanted one, and that I wanted one, too. She told me she was trying to live her faith, and she had prayed that God would give me the desires of "her" heart! That was so precious to me! God answered her prayer in my favor!
My fb announcement picture:

A special day together!! By the way, Jamin is just as excited as I am, but he didn't cry! ;)

Thrift store finds:

Once Upon a Child finds:
I bought some little bows at WalMart last night. Jackson wanted me to try it out on him and take a picture!

Bought at WalMart last night:

Other buys:

We have some "house" work to do. We are going to build a room on our carport and move Jamin's study in there, then the baby will have his old study. It is a cute, very small room, perfect for a baby girl.
We are going to name our daughter Eva Joy. Eva pronounced Eev-uh. I have loved the name "Eve" forever, but it's really hard to place it with a middle name, so we improvised. I love her name. I love to name them early. Then their little lives take shape, and find a quicker place in the family.
The day after the ultrasound, I made this quilt top for her room. I will make a matching bedskirt in the next couple of weeks. I have BIG PINK plans for this nursery!

These are the sheers for her window, and the paint swatch we will use!!

I did this quilt when I was pregnant with Jackson, just to pass the time. It was a kit, and I had it quilted last year. It's beautiful!! I'm sure it will match in Eva's room! I'm hoping to get a comfy chair for nursing, that I can drape this quilt over!

I'm so thankful for little Eva Joy. I feel like my greatest dreams have all come true. As a child, I dreamed of marrying a preacher and having several kids. I dreamed of a cute little house, the picket fence, shady trees to sip lemonade under. I think I always thought I wasn't good enough, that for some reason God would never be that good to me! But He uses ordinary people despite our failures. And now I'm realizing that those desires came from Him anyway! I'm living my dream!