We went to Maysville, KY. It's not a big town, but larger than West Union. We started out with lunch at Pizza Hut. It was SO good, and they had Cinnamon bread on the buffet. Yummy. After that, we hit a few stores. I was disappointed because I couldn't really find anything. I got Jackson a few things, a cute little toy and some clothes. I did find a really cute sweater for myself at Goodwill.
Then we went downtown by the river. There were so many cute shops around. We stopped at a little grocery store that had hand-dipped ice cream. I got one scoop of chocolate and one of mint chocolate chip. It was so good. Then we found a little scrapbook store. I was drooling at all the stuff I wanted. I'm really in the scrapbook mood right now. But after about 20 minutes of browsing, I bought a few papers and some ribbon for some pictures I'm having developed right now. I guess these parts of our day were really for me. Jamin doesn't scrapbook. :)
Then we went down to the river. It was so beautiful! The weather was perfect. I wasn't hot in long sleeves and Jamin wasn't cold in short sleeves. That's my kind of day. We just had a sweet time, taking pictures with the water, the bridge, the sun, and the three of us.
Jamin is my sweetheart forever and always.
"Mommy, you look funny upside down."
Two of a kind. A lady in our church always calls Jackson "Jamin." Then she says, "Why do I always say that?" They do look alike, but not that much.
Jackson was happy to be down. He had been in his stroller, a shopping cart, or carried all day. The water made me nervous, though. (Deep, dark water makes me feel claustrophobic.) I wouldn't even let go of his hand 6 feet away from the railing.
There were several tug boats and barges in the water.
No doubt Jackson will grow up loving all the same things as his Daddy.
Ahh, sweet memories...
Jackson only napped for about 20 minutes or so while we were in JCPenney, and maybe a few more minutes in the car. So he went down for a nap around 7 that evening. I tried to wake him up after about an hour. But he was so, so grumpy. After wrestling him for about 20 minutes I put him back to bed. He woke up around 5am to nurse, and wanted to stay awake and talk. :) He went to sleep before too long though, and got up at his normal time. I felt just as tired as he did.
I love sweet, simple days like that. The best memories are the most simple.