We started a club for our church kids Sunday night after church. It is called Keepers of the Faith. The boys' part is Contenders for the Faith, and the girls' part is Keepers at Home. It's kind of a Boy/Girl Scout kind of thing, but completely Christian. They can earn badges for learning their skills, and there is a lot of Bible reading and Bible memory they can earn badges for. It is a huge program, and very flexible for you to make into your own. I'm starting with quilting with the girls, and Jamin is doing tools with the boys. We've just had one club so far, so now we can see the kinks we need to work out. It's really exciting!
Okay, here are the pictures:
Jackson still doesn't know how to "jump" in his Jonny Jump-Up, but he likes to sit in it. Here, he's gotten tired and wants out.
Mimi got him this Precious Moments boy that says a prayer. He loves it!
He loves to hold his hands together, like a polite little gentleman.
"I'm so happy Daddy's home from work!"
Caught red-handed, chewing on Daddy's notepad!
Tummy Time (I'm trying to force him into rolling over!)
He fell asleep playing yesterday...so adorable! Notice his hand still on the toy!
Chubby fingers (yes, I know I need to cut his nails; they grow as fast as mine)
Chubby cheeks
Dream little sweet dreams
Baby, go to sleep
While I rock you gently
And cuddled you keep
Dream little sweet dreams
Of a game or toy
While I thank Jesus
For my sleeping little boy