This past Saturday we went to a basketball game in Hillsboro. It was Crown vs. Southern State Community College (or something like that). It was a lot of fun. I didn't take any pictures of the game, but I did take this picture of Mrs. Sharon Booth holding Jackson. Our family has known the Booths all of my life. Their daughter went to Crown the same time I did, and their youngest son is there now, and plays on the basketball team.
Here's Jackson after Daddy helps him suck his thumb. It's so cute!
Ready for church on Feb. 3. It's so wonderful to go to church as a family, even if I do end up in the nursery more often than not. :)
Ready to go to Tennessee! Well, we thought we were ready. Jackson had a rough time in his carseat. We're praying he'll do better on the way home. I don't mind if he cries if he's just crying because he doesn't like his seat. But if he's crying because he feels all alone back there, or just because he wants Mommy, I have a tough time handling that. Jamin said that's why he bought ear plugs. (He's kidding.)
Here's my precious Granny Heidel holding Jackson. I'm so glad she got to see him while he's still little.
Here's Mom (Mimi) giving Jackson a bath in the kitchen sink. He loved it (and so did Mimi!).
Uncle Gene and Jackson (my mom's brother). I forgot to get a picture of Aunt Patsy (mom's sister). I'm sorry, Aunt Patsy!
My sister Kristan (Auntie K) and Jackson. I didn't get one of her when they visited OH. In case you can't tell, ;) she is expecting a baby in April - her fourth boy! :)
Four generations: Granny Snow, Dad, me and Jackson
He was so sweet after church last night, grinning for Daddy!
Parenthood is so much fun! Jackson is a little tired and cranky right now. He's had lots of visitors and a different schedule. I'm still glad we came, but
dread isn't a strong enough word to describe how I feel about another long car ride. :) I'm sure it will be fine. We also had some pictures done the other night in my brother's studio. Between crying, we got some great pictures.
Here are a few, but I'll be posting those at the end of the week, Lord willing.
Y'all come back now, ya hear?